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2216: Church
of the Holy Spirit, Phoenix, Arizona, USA |
Worshipper: Fading Lights.
The church:
Church of the Holy Spirit, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
Episcopal Church, Diocese
of Arizona.
The building:
A rather plain building in the Southwestern style. I'd estimate
it dates from the 1970s. The interior was very plain. It reminded
me of a school auditorium. There was a lot of unused space inside
the church, as might reflect a church experiencing a falling
congregation. Indeed, the church has been closed due to declining
membership and increasing financial difficulties, and the service
this Mystery Worshipper attended was the parish's last. Negotiations
are underway to sell the building to the nearby Arizona Christian
The church:
For many years this congregation has worshipped under several
different names: St Michael's, Holy Innocents, and finally as
Church of the Holy Spirit. According to a statement issued by
the Bishop of Arizona, the congregation has been faced with
a series of conflicts, leadership mismatches, and financial
struggles from which it has been unable to emerge despite assistance
from the diocese. The bishop has also noted that a significant
number of parishioners seemed interested only in a convenient
space for Sunday morning worship with little or no commitment
to stewardship. Such low expectations, the bishop has said,
can kill a congregation no matter how dedicated its leadership
may be.
The neighborhood:
The building is located east of 24th Street on Cactus Road,
a major east-west thoroughfare in north Phoenix. The surrounding
area is filled with middle-class homes, chain stores, and fast
food restaurants. There is a Seventh Day Adventist church just
down the street.
The cast:
The celebrant was the Rt Revd Kirk Stevan Smith, Bishop of Arizona.
He was vested in mitre and green chasuble, and he carried a
rather plain crosier. He was assisted by the Revd Julie O'Brien,
vicar, whom the bishop has asked to stay on for the next few
months to assist parishioners as they relocate to new churches.
There were also two acolytes, a crucifer, and two chalice bearers.
The date & time:
Sunday, July 17, 2011, 10.00am.
What was the name of the service?
Celebration of Holy Eucharist.
How full was the building?
Completely full. I'd estimate that the building can hold 125
people. The only empty area was between your Mystery Worshipper
and a young couple at the end of the row.
Did anyone welcome you personally?
Yes. A gentleman at the door asked me if it was my first time
at the church. I told him it was and then he asked me if I was
an Episcopalian. I gave him the name of my current Episcopal
church and I mentioned that I had read a recent article by Bishop
Smith that the Church of the Holy Spirit was going to close,
and that I think it is always sad when a church has to close
its doors. I told the greeter I wanted to be in attendance for
the service.
Was your pew comfortable?
Not really. It wasn't a traditional pew, but more of a row of
padded chairs. It reminded me of the coach section on an airplane.
The kneelers had a knob to turn to let them down. I think I
was the only person to use the kneelers.
How would you describe the pre-service
Noise, noise, noise! Everybody was talking or taking pictures
with their cell phones. Even when the prelude began, people
just kept on talking. Was I really in an Episcopal church?
What were the exact opening words of the
A layman stood up and said, "Good morning and welcome!"
He then announced the processional hymn. The bishop pronounced
the opening words of the service: "Blessed be God: Father,
Son, and Holy Spirit."
What books did the congregation
use during the service?
The Hymnal 1982 and the Book of Common Prayer 1979
were right in front of me, but the service didn't follow the
Rite II eucharist exactly.
What musical instruments
were played?
Piano only. There was a choir of about 10 in the back of the
church, mostly female. There was an older electric organ that
was not used.
Did anything distract
Far too many distractions: The amount of talking before the
service. No one used the kneelers. A child was eating during
the gospel reading! If Jesus had been present, he would have
needed to feed only 4999, as this child was snacking loudly.
Was the worship stiff-upper-lip,
happy clappy, or what?
About as low church as I've ever been to. Your Mystery Worshipper
dressed up but probably shouldn't have, as the temperature outside
was well over 100 degrees Fahrenheit and most members of the
congregation were wearing shorts or other very informal clothes.
There was constant conversation throughout the entire service.
The liturgy was spoken I doubt that chant was ever used
in this church. The hymns were very traditional: "Praise
to the Lord", "Now Thank We All Our God", and
"Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee." I found it annoying
that the alleluia verse before the gospel was neither in the
hymnal nor printed in the bulletin, but was identified only
as a Muscogee Indian tune. The first part of the service was
similar to a Lenten service, as we started with the confession
right after the processional hymn. Your Mystery Worshipper was
going to kneel, but noticed the entire congregation chose to
remain standing. The dismissal, however, was more like Easter:
"Go in peace to love and serve the Lord, Alleluia, Alleluia!"
The response was: "Thanks be to God, Alleluia, Alleluia!"
Exactly how long was the
Tough question to answer. Bishop Smith spoke for a few minutes
and then he opened up the floor for members of the congregation
to talk about their time at the Church of the Holy Spirit. This
was followed by a 20 minute DVD presentation of members of the
congregation reflecting on their lives as members of this church.
On a scale of 1-10, how
good was the preacher?
8 Bishop Smith used a music stand as his pulpit! The
first part of the sermon was excellent. The rating of 8 is for
Bishop Smith and not for the congregational part. Your Mystery
Worshipper would have preferred a regular sermon. It is regrettable
that the congregation is losing their church, but listening
to numerous people talk about how long they've been coming to
the church and how much they will miss it doesn't make for a
good sermon.
In a nutshell, what was
the sermon about?
Bishop Smith compared the closing of a church to a funeral.
He then invited members of the congregation to talk about their
life as being part of the church.
Which part of the service was like being in
The very young girl who read the second reading, Revelation
21:3-5 (God will dwell with his people and will renew all things),
with well-rehearsed skill. She read the lesson from on top of
an overturned milk crate. During the sermon, a member of the
church mentioned that this young girl was the first person to
welcome him to the church when he first visited the church.
And which part was like being in... er... the other place?
Knowing that I was likely the only first-time worshipper at
this church. Also, what the bishop had previously noted about
some members of the congregation not being interested in the
life of the parish. Needless to say, this approach to the mission
of the church is not unique.
What happened when you hung around after the service looking lost?
Not much at all. I felt like I was crashing a family reunion.
When I was leaving, the vicar was at the door and she mentioned
that she had never seen me before.
How would you describe the after-service
I stuck to water as the temperature was too hot for coffee.
Most of the members were interested in getting a copy of the
DVD that was played during the service.
How would you feel about making this church your regular (where 10 = ecstatic, 0 = terminal)?
3 Since the church has been closed, this question is
moot. But I prefer to worship in a higher liturgical setting
with people who dress and behave appropriately for the occasion.
Did the service make you feel glad to be a
Yes. I'm glad I was there. I've never seen a church close before.
I hope the members of this congregation will find church homes
elsewhere in the diocese.
What one thing will you remember about all this in seven days' time?
Bishop Smith using a music stand as his pulpit. |
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