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1675: St Peter's,
Staten Island, New York, USA |
Mystery Worshipper:
Clandestine Christian.
The church:
St Peter's, Staten Island, New York, USA.
Roman Catholic, Archdiocese
of New York.
The building:
The congregation first celebrated mass in a gun factory in April
1839. Their first church was dedicated in 1844 and served until
the 1890s, when it was destroyed by fire. The present structure
of Romanesque and Gothic design was laid out in 1900 by the
architectural firm of Harding & Gooch, noted for several commercial
buildings in lower Manhattan. The church is still today possibly
the most magnificent and largest edifice on Staten Island. Situated
high on a hill, it is clearly visible from New York Harbor and
has served as a reference point for sailors at sea. The bell
tower somewhat resembles that of London's Houses of Parliament.
Inside, the vaulted ceiling was constructed in such a way that
no pillars are necessary, thus affording an unobstructed view
of the sanctuary from every pew. The interior is resplendent
with stained glass and appointments in the style of the Italian
The church:
In its early days, St Peter's parish was governed by a succession
of rather colorful pastors, one of whom was the nephew of Elizabeth
Seton, the first native-born United States citizen to be canonized,
and another of whom ran off to join the California gold rush
and was later struck by blindness. Today, St Peter's is one
of the leading Roman Catholic parishes on Staten Island. They
sponsor a men's and boys' choir and are active in such charitable
works as clothing drives, etc. They administer a grammar school
and high school as well as a cemetery. Masses are held Sundays
at 9.00am and 12.00 noon, with a 5.00pm anticipated mass on
Saturdays, as well as at various times throughout the week.
The neighborhood:
The bulletin and several websites give the address of St Peter's
as New Brighton, but it is actually still within the limits
of St George, the Staten Island neighborhood closest to Manhattan.
The ferry is within walking distance, and most of the houses
near St Peter's are historical landmarks, some displaying breathtaking
architecture. This is a place of steep hills, which, along with
the Victorian houses, make it a sort of a poor man's San Francisco.
Little bodegas are within walking distance, as is the center
of St George, with little shops and restaurants, a lovely historic
theater, a pharmacy, and other amenities. St Peter's bells toll
the hours except at night. There is a terrific view of Manhattan
across the water, and the harbor is quite busy with huge cargo
ships escorted by cute little tugboats. But there is also a
view of the chemical tanks of New Jersey, just one of the many
contradictions that are Staten Island, the "forgotten borough"
of New York City. A concise history of Staten Island can be
found in an
earlier Mystery Worship report. In recent years the borough
has become more suburban and urban, as unbridled and quite ugly
development continues to encroach upon the rural and rustic
setting that the island once enjoyed.
The cast:
The Revd Pablito C Maghari, parochial vicar ("Father Pabs"),
was celebrant and preacher. He was assisted by a team of lectors
and eucharistic ministers identified only as M. Smith, A. Philip,
R. Bradshaw and L. Kronenthal.
The date & time:
Solemnity of Christ the King, November 23, 2008, 12.00 noon.
What was the name of the service?
Sunday Mass.
How full was the building?
Around 50 people, something like one-eighth full.
Did anyone welcome you personally?
Two said hello to me upon entering (the same two people who
later took up the collection), but they didn't hand me anything
or point out the necessary books.
Was your pew comfortable?
Comfortable enough. It was a polished wooden pew, unpadded,
with connecting (folding) kneeler.
How would you describe the pre-service
There was a bit of talking, mainly from the cantor, who was
setting up his guitar paraphernalia.
What were the exact opening words of the
The cantor said "Good morning" and welcomed us; then the priest
began with "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of
the Holy Spirit."
What books did the congregation use during the
Daily Missal and a service book/hymnal entitled Breaking
Bread 2008.
What musical instruments were played?
Acoustic guitar.
Did anything distract you?
It was a little distracting to hear the standard hymns played
with acoustic guitar instead of organ, but it was pleasant enough.
The priest had a slight accent that I couldn't place (Filipino,
I later learned) and that distracted me, along with a highly
reverberating sound system. There also was a small disturbance
when someone came to sit directly behind me, and then got up
and found another seat. There were so many empty seats –
what was the problem?
Was the worship stiff-upper-lip,
happy clappy, or what?
A standard novus ordo eucharist, but with the hymns and sung
parts of the mass accompanied by guitar. There were no acolytes
or servers. The psalm was sung responsively with the cantor,
and the Lord's Prayer and some other parts were sung. The priest
chanted the parts of the liturgy that are usually chanted, but
there were no bells or incense. The congregation seemed engaged,
as much as possible, and not bored, although many did not join
in the singing. The guitarist was very good. The hymns were
standard, not some silly type of folk mass stuff. It was pleasant,
but different. At the exchange of peace, everyone just nodded
and gave a conservative little wave of the hand – no getting
out of the pews to shake hands, something I've never cared for
Exactly how long was the
10 minutes.
On a scale of 1-10, how good was the preacher?
6 Father Pabs (I suppose he must like to be called this)
was an interesting looking man who could be mistaken for a Japanese
actor, with a thick mop of black hair in a Beatle haircut. He
was very enthusiastic, used expansive hand gestures and was
a bit loud sometimes, I believe to wake up the rather sleepy
congregation. He didn't rely on notes, which was nice. Even
though it was a short homily, he did seem a bit unfocused although
his material was sound.
In a nutshell, what was the sermon
He spoke of Christ as victor, king, judge, and the one who is
coming. As the liturgical year ends and a new year begins with
Advent, we must lead Christ-centered lives.
Which part of the service was like being in
After communion there was quiet – no guitar, no children fidgeting,
no one talking, only some shuffling and clunking of the folding
kneelers. It was a good atmosphere for prayer.
And which part was like being in... er... the other place?
Alas, a little child couldn't be restrained for long during
that peaceful silence after communion. The tyke seemed to have
quite a bit to say that he must have been holding in for some
What happened when you hung around after the service looking lost?
There was no coffee hour, and as everyone was leaving it didn't
seem worth it to hang around acting lost. Father Pabs was busy
meeting with people and I didn't get to talk to him.
How would you describe the after-service
No coffee hour that I could see.
How would you feel about making this church your regular (where 10 = ecstatic, 0 = terminal)?
4 There really doesn't seem to be much of a community.
I can do without the coffee hour, but I like to be in a church
with organ and choir. The men's and boys' choir must sing at
the earlier mass – why is it that the early service is
always the traditional one?
Did the service make you feel glad to be a
Yes. Being in a lovely church, to pray in silence and sing pleasant
hymns, with a Christ-centered homily.
What one thing will you remember about all this in seven days' time?
Father Pabs and the nodded peace. |
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