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20: Time for the Word
time for the word
A hint of 1950s bakerlite or even a gracious nod to 1930s art deco would have been nice. But no. The flat, utilitarian design is, we accept, consistent with this text-telling timepiece's sensible, conscientious purpose. And that is to tell us it is time for the word: "380 unique Bible verses changing once every hour on the hour."

Perhaps the most depressing factor in this strange fusion of technology, chronology and theology is the fact that "Time for the Word" is splattered across the base of the clock. "Time for the Word" – said with a wink, a dig in the ribs and "Geddit?" It just makes you grateful that God, in his great mercy and in spite of those awful pious posters on living room walls near you, chose not to stick a Bible text in a permanent, puffy cloud above Mount Everest. "God so loved the world... geddit?"

Currently out of stock, but Time for the Word normally sells for $99. Watch this space.
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