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Last seen cruising the choppy waters of Christianity in 1983,
Ship of Fools (alias 'the magazine of Christian unrest') is to be relaunched
early in April 1998 as a Webzine. In the meantime…

This is a Test Site

Please be patient! This site will change from day to day as we try things out.
And you can help us by letting us know what you think does and doesn't work.
The Ship of Fools site will carry a vast number of mind-numbing features…

John Calvin's Newsround – Late-breaking reports from around the world of religious craziness, plus some old stories that simply cried out to be included…

The Fruitcake Zone – Hotlinks to some of the craziest religious sites around, including, of course, the NunBun, a loving testimony to a latter-day Catholic miracle.

It's For You! – We take a vexed issue of the moment and throw it open for a cosy, Web-wide discussion. Currently, we are looking at a controversial moment during the funeral service of Princess Diana.

Service with a Smile – Our regular spot-check of church services, ancient, modern and prehistoric, across the British Aisles and beyond…

SOF Archive – A selection of best-loved stories from the golden era of Ship of Fools, including the Corny Church Noticeboard Competition, and the Welsh preacher who quite spectacularly 'raised his Ebenezer' for God.

The St Onan Award – This much-coveted award, generously sponsored by Kleenex Ltd, is given to the most precious Christian initiative of the month.

Cartoon ©

The J.W. Trap worked like a dream.

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© Ship of Fools 1997