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Sanctimonious Signboards

Church signboards are the only 'shop window' most churches have – and yet they are used to display yawn-inducing puns or sentiments that frequently reduce people to tears – of laughter. Here are some of the most prized possessions in the Ship of Fools collection of the sacred signmaker's art…

Signboard This Church Welcomes Prayerful Livers

Signboard Seven Prayerless Days Make One Weak

Signboard C H - - C H – What's Missing? U. R.

Signboard 'Soul Agents' for this District

Signboard Come in Here and Have Your Faith Lifted

Signboard Ecumenism Means Getting to Know the Opposite Sects

Cartoon ©

"We decided to let him off with
a warning this time!"

All painful examples of church signboards will be gratefully received – especially if they come with a scanned picture. Please send your sacred contributions to…

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