Customize your avatar and title! Want to have a custom avatar and title? Read on... All you have to do is use the form below to send us your new title and an image for your avatar. Your avatar will be square in shape and measuring 48 x 48 pixels. If you can send it to us at that size, great! If not, just send us your image, but make sure you choose something that will look good at a small size. Here's the finished size... Pay a visit to babybear's famous avatar gallery if you find something there that catches your eye, copy it to your hard drive and send it on to us (see below for how). Once your avatar has been approved, it will be stored on the Ship of Fools server and made available exclusively to you. Custom avatars have to be set up manually, and the charge for a custom title and avatar set is £8/US$15. Here's how to order please fill in the form below... |